Fast food


Heat the oil in a large frying pan and fry the onions until translucent.
Add the carrots, celery and bell pepper, cooking until soft.
Add hydrated soy, season with pepper, salt and dehydrated vegetables.

Add the tomato paste and 200 ml of tomato sauce, cook until the composition becomes homogeneous.
At the end, add the chopped parsley and set the composition aside to cool.

Prepare the mashed potatoes by mixing the boiled potatoes with the margarine, dehydrated vegetables, salt and pepper to taste.
Grease a 25×30 cm pan with margarine. Spread a layer of mashed potatoes on the bottom of the pan. Add the vegetable and soy layer over the puree and level. Cover with the remaining mashed potatoes.

Pour the tomato and thyme sauce mixture over the top.
Preheat the oven to 170°C. Bake the moussaka for 40 minutes or until the surface is golden and crispy.
When removing from the oven, sprinkle with chopped green parsley for added flavor and color.



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