Eclair in the pan – Soft and creamy homemade cake – Simply delicious

preparation :

In a bowl, add water, milk, butter and salt. Put on a low heat until it boils. Remove from the heat, add the flour and mix vigorously.
Put back on the heat and stir for 1 minute. Leave to cool for 2 minutes and stir gently to remove the steam. We add the eggs (either we incorporate them one by one, or all at once with the whisk or a spatula).
We put the composition spoon by spoon in the tray and spread evenly. Bake for 35-40 minutes at 175 degrees Celsius, then leave to cool in the oven with the door open.
In a double-bottomed bowl, add 3 egg yolks, the starch and the sugar. Gradually add the milk and mix with a whisk, so as not to form lumps. Put on low heat and stir continuously until it becomes like a pudding. Turn off the heat, leave for 1 minute, then add the cubed butter.
Mix until homogenized and cover with food foil (necessarily) and leave to cool. When cool, add the mascarpone and mix at low speed just until smooth.
We place the top in the same tray, but without the baking paper. Put vanilla cream on top and level.
Whipped cream:
In a bowl, mix the cold cream with the sugar until it becomes firm. If we want, we can add thickener for the whipped cream if we don’t have a quality cream. Spread the whipped cream over the vanilla cream.
At low heat we homogenize the ingredients and leave to cool. Decorate according to preference and leave the cake in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

We use a 22×32 cm tray
reheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius



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