Shape the Dough (40 minutes rise time):

Transfer dough to a floured surface. Note that the dough will still be very sticky and that is okay. Sprinkle dough with a little flour and shape it into a rectangle by gently pulling the dough from underneath. Be careful not to press the dough because the air holes trapped inside might get squeezed out.
Roll the dough into a log and press the edge to seal. Divide the rolled dough into 4-5 equal parts, and place each piece at least two inches apart, onto a well-floured work surface. Let the dough rest for about 40 minutes. This is called the final proofing.

Bake the Ciabatta Rolls:

Carefully transfer each dough onto a parchment-lined 8×12-inch baking tray. Because the dough is still quite sticky, dust with flour to help with handling it. Set aside.
Fill a baking pan with water and place it in the bottom of your oven. Preheat the oven to 420 F, and allow it to fill with steam from the water. When the oven is ready, slide the baking tray in and spray some water over the dough immediately. Bake for 20 minutes.
Let the bread cool for 20 minutes. To check if the bread is done, you can tap the bottom of the bread with your finger. The bread will sound hollow when they are done.

Easy small batch Ciabatta Rolls are fluffy and airy with a perfect crunchy, crackly crust. They take only 10 minutes to prepare and require no kneading. |


Total time for this recipe is 4 hours. The timing is broken down as follows: 10 minutes prep time, 3 hours and 10 minutes rising time, 20 minutes cook time, and 20 minutes cooling time.

Use a digital scale. For the most accurate measurements, I highly recommend investing in a digital scale.

How to store: Ciabatta rolls are best served and enjoyed on the day they are baked. You can store leftover ciabatta rolls in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. You can also store them in the fridge for up to 1 week. Note that once refrigerated, the texture will change and become more dry. You can always add in the moisture by reheating it before serving.

How to reheat: The best way to reheat ciabatta bread is to bake them in the oven. Place on a baking tray in a 350F preheated oven and heat for 6-8 minutes, or until warm. You can also reheat in the air fryer at 350F for 3-6 minutes.

How to freeze: Freeze baked ciabatta rolls in a freezer bag for 2-3 months. Allow the buns to thaw in the fridge overnight before serving or reheating.



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