Easter tart: the recipe for the delicious dessert with white chocolate cream and eggs


for the shortcrust pastry
00 flour
250 gr
150 gr
powdered sugar
100 gr
egg yolk
for the white chocolate cream
White chocolate
500 gr
Whole milk
500 ml
powdered sugar
100 gr
Strength says more
40 gr
egg yolk
in conclusion
Milk chocolate eggs
powdered sugar
You need them too
The Easter cake is a delicious and creative dessert , perfect to surprise adults and children at the end of the festive lunch. It is very quick to prepare and is made with a crumbly shortcrust pastry shell and a delicious filling of white chocolate cream, all topped with the classic grill and, once baked in the oven, garnished with a barely noticeable layer of powdered sugar and chocolate eggs with milk.
An exquisite and refined dessert, ideal to cut into slices and serve as a snack , with a cup of espresso or to prepare and enjoy with friends on the occasion of the traditional Easter Monday picnic.
For a “fresher” result, you can bake the shortcrust pastry base “blind” and then, after a resting period at room temperature, fill it with the white chocolate dough well cold from the refrigerator, or you can opt for a filling on top of ricotta cream, enriched with candied orange peel and chocolate chips.
According to your personal taste, you can season the shortcrust pastry with the seeds of a vanilla pod or the grated peel of citrus fruits, prepare it with cocoa, hazelnuts or in a vegan version: in this case, we recommend that you follow our suggestions and prepare at home a hazelnut cream that will win over the whole family from the first taste.
If you want, you can also serve the cake at the end of the Easter holidays: this is a clever way to recycle the eggs left over in the pantry, which can also be crushed and then incorporated into the filling if desired.
Find out how to prepare the Easter cake by following the step-by-step instructions and advice. If you liked this recipe, also try the cake with eggs or try other Easter delicacies .

How to prepare the Easter cake

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