Discover the recipe for Biscuits and Walnut Cake – Simple, no-bake recipe and easy to prepare

Method of preparation:

Sprinkle in the cocoa and mix again until the ingredients are combined.
Add the butter to the mixture and let it melt gently, then remove the saucepan from the heat and let the chocolate mixture cool for 10 minutes.

Pour the prepared mixture over the biscuits in the dish and mix well. Add half of the chopped walnuts to the bowl and stir.
Line the sides of a tray with cling film and fill it with the cocoa mixture with biscuits and nuts. Level the surface of the mixture using a spatula.
Finally, sprinkle the remaining nuts over the cake and let it cool in the fridge for about 1 hour.
While the cake is cooling, melt the chocolate in a water bath to decorate the cake at the end. Tip: To get a smooth and shiny
chocolate, add 1 tablespoon of oil and 2 tablespoons of butter. Note: You can serve the cake immediately after it has set, cut into pieces.



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