Crispy-soft chocolate-pear cake

Baking is an art that awakens the senses and the crunchy-melting chocolate-pear cake is a true symphony of flavors and textures. This dessert, both crunchy and melting, is an ode to gluttony. The preparation of this cake, although simple, requires precision and a little time in front of you. But the game is worth the candle, because each bite of this dessert is a pure delight.

The harmony between chocolate and pear is at the heart of this recipe. The chocolate, rich and intense, forms the base of this dessert. It is important to choose a good quality chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa to obtain a depth of taste. The pears, on the other hand, must be juicy and sweet, bringing a freshness that balances the richness of the chocolate. The combination of these two ingredients creates a perfect marriage, a dance between fruity sweetness and cocoa intensity.

The base of this cake is a soft chocolate biscuit, carefully prepared to achieve a light and airy texture. This biscuit serves as a bed for an incredibly indulgent crunchy layer, a mixture of melted chocolate, roasted hazelnuts and crumbled crêpe dentelles. This crunchy layer is the key to the contrast of textures that makes this cake so special. It not only adds crunch but also a dimension of flavor thanks to the hazelnuts, which bring a touch of nuttiness and praline.

Next comes the pear layer. The pears are carefully pan-fried with butter and vanilla sugar until they are tender and melting. They are then arranged on top of the crispy layer, providing their softness and moist texture. To top it all off, a light and airy chocolate mousse envelops the cake. This mousse is the culmination of the recipe, offering a creaminess and richness that contrasts beautifully with the crispness and freshness of the other layers.

This cake is a culinary experience in itself, a celebration of flavors and textures. Every step of the preparation contributes to creating a dessert that is at once elegant, decadent and incredibly tasty. There is no doubt that this crunchy-melty chocolate-pear cake will seduce and delight the most discerning palates.

Preparation time: 45 min
Cooking time: 25 min
Resting time: 4 hours
Serves: 8

Ingredients :

For the biscuit:

2 eggs
60 g dark chocolate
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
1 tablespoon of cornstarch
For the crispiness:

70 g of whole shelled hazelnuts (or 50 g of praline)
18 plain lace crepes
100 g dark chocolate
100 g of praline-type chocolate
30 g hazelnut puree
For the pears:

600 g pears (3 large pears)
1 sachet of vanilla sugar
30 g butter
For the chocolate mousse:

200 g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
6 large egg whites
1 tablespoon of powdered sugar
For decoration:

3 lace pancakes

Preparation :

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