Cod and zucchini meatballs: the recipe for a simple and delicious dish

How to prepare cod and zucchini meatballs
Step 1
Clean the cod fillets and remove any bones1.
step 2
Cut the fillets into pieces and fry them in a pan with a little oil, garlic and basil for about ten minutes2. Season with salt.
step 3
Place the cod fillets in a bowl and add the grated zucchini3, add the egg and chopped spring onion and mix well. Finally, add the necessary breadcrumbs until you get a soft but compact mixture.
Step 4
Form many meatballs, each slightly larger than a walnut4.
Step 5
Dip them in the breadcrumbs and press them down well so that they stick5.
Step 6
Fry the meatballs in hot pumpkin seed oil until lightly golden brown6.
Step 7
After cooking, drain and dry on absorbent kitchen paper7.
Step 8
Place on a serving platter, season with a pinch of salt, sprinkle with a few drops of lime and serve hot.8.
With the quantities indicated in the recipe you will get about 20 meatballs . If you want a smoother and more velvety consistency you can puree the mixture with a hand blender, then form the meatballs and proceed with cooking; for a slightly more rustic taste, simply knead the dough with your hands.
For a perfect frying, the choice and temperature of the oil is essential. One of the best oils for frying is peanut oil : odorless and clear, it has a smoke point of over 200 °C. The ideal temperature must be between 170-180 °C (for this reason it is better to have a kitchen thermometer). For a lighter version of these meatballs, you can also cook them in the oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
These meatballs are particularly suitable for the little ones and can also be prepared with other white-fleshed fish fillets (e.g. plaice, sea bream and sea bass) or with fresh salmon and tuna.
Convenient and versatile, you can also make them ahead of time, freeze them and then fry them when needed, perhaps for an unexpected dinner.
Perfect for an aperitif , you can serve these meatballs with guacamole or yogurt sauce; you can also fill corn tortillas with them along with mayonnaise and vegetables and eat them with your hands on the sofa in front of a good movie.
If you liked these meatballs, try the ones with plaice and potato flakes.
To enjoy their full aroma, it is recommended to fry the meatballs immediately after preparation and enjoy them while they are still hot. If there are any leftovers, they can be stored in the refrigerator, sealed in a special airtight container



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