Coconut passion fruit sheet cake

Then wring it out well and let it melt in a small saucepan over low heat. Add 4 tablespoons of the mascarpone cream, stir and heat briefly. Pour the gelatine-cream mixture into the remaining cream and stir in quickly. Beat the cream until stiff and fold in.
Mix passion fruit or orange jam with water. Remove the cake from the tray and cut it in half horizontally. Place the bottom base on a large board and cover with a baking frame. Spread the cake with half of the jam and spread with half of the cream. Place the upper part of the cake on top and spread again with jam and top with cream. Allow to cool thoroughly in the refrigerator for approx. 3-4 hours.
For the topping, scrape the passion fruit flesh out of the fruit and stir briefly. Roast the coconut chips in a pan without fat until golden brown. Carefully cut half of the Raffaellos in half. Now everything comes together: Remove the baking frame from the cake. Trim the edges thinly and decorate the cake with coconut chips, passion fruit flesh, coconut flakes and Raffaello.



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