Coconut Candy from Minas Gerais Made with Ninho Milk: An Irresistible Sweetness

Cook until no longer sticky: Continue cooking the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it begins to come away from the bottom of the pan and reaches a thicker consistency.

Cool and Shape: Remove the pan from the heat and let the mixture cool slightly. While it is still warm, shape small portions of the coconut candy with your hands lightly greased with butter or margarine.

Serve and Enjoy: Arrange the molded coconut sweets on a platter or plate and let cool completely before serving. Enjoy every bite of this delicious treat that is a true explosion of flavors and textures.

Variations and Suggestions
Try adding a pinch of salt to the mixture to enhance the flavors.
For an even more indulgent version, you can cover the coconut sweets with a thin layer of melted chocolate.

The Minas Gerais coconut candy made with condensed milk and made with condensed milk is a simply irresistible dessert that combines the best of condensed milk with the tradition and unique flavor of coconut candy. Prepare this delicious treat in your own kitchen and be amazed by the creaminess and flavor of this sweet treat that is a true treasure of Brazilian cuisine.



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