Chocolate sticks: the perfect treat to make at home

Chocolate sticks can refer to a few different things, depending on context. They could be:

1. **Chocolate-covered wafer sticks**: These are thin, crispy wafer sticks coated in chocolate. They are often sold as a snack or dessert item and can be found in various flavors.

2. **Chocolate-filled pastry sticks**: These are pastry sticks filled with chocolate, similar to a chocolate-filled croissant or pastry. They can be enjoyed as a sweet treat or dessert.

3. **Chocolate-covered pretzel sticks**: These are pretzel sticks coated in chocolate, often with additional toppings like sprinkles or nuts. They are a popular sweet and salty snack.

If you’re looking to make or buy chocolate sticks, you can often find them in the snack or dessert section of grocery stores or bakeries. They can also be made at home with the right ingredients and a bit of patience!


1 egg
100g (1/2 cup) sugar
240 g (2 cups) flour
4 g baking powder
90 g (1/2 cup) butter
400g chocolate fondue.

Chocolate sticks:

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