Chocolate salami: the original recipe for a simple and delicious dessert

How to prepare chocolate salami

Step 1
Start preparing the chocolate salami by roughly chopping the dark chocolate1, then melting it in a double boiler or in the microwave.
step 2
Mix the egg and softened butter in a bowl2, which must be kept out of the refrigerator for at least 20 minutes before use.
step 3
Then add the granulated sugar3.
Step 4
Mix everything with a hand mixer4It takes about 2 minutes until the butter is creamy.
Step 5
Separately, coarsely crumble the dry biscuits5. Do this step by hand so as not to break the biscuits too much: one of the characteristics of chocolate salami is the presence of clearly visible biscuit pieces in each slice.
Step 6
Add the rum to the egg-butter mixture6.
Step 7
Add the bitter cocoa7.
Step 8
Stir with a whisk8until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Step 9
Then add the melted, very cold chocolate and finally the crumbled biscuits9.
Step 10
Stir briefly with a spatula or spoon to combine the cookies10.
Step 11
Transfer the mixture to the centre of a sheet of baking paper11.
Step 12
To give the dough the typical salami shape, wrap it in baking paper and shape it with your hands until it forms a regular cylinder.12.
Step 13
Now close the baking paper by rolling it up and sealing the two ends tightly13and leave it to harden in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.
Step 14
After the resting time, take the chocolate salami out of the fridge, remove the baking paper and sprinkle with some powdered sugar.14.
Step 15
Your chocolate salami is now ready to be sliced ​​and enjoyed15.
You can use your favorite dry biscuits, but make sure they are not too buttery so that the dessert does not become too greasy, since the ingredients already contain butter. It is also possible to make the chocolate salami without butter : just replace it with seed oil. However, for a less intense flavor, you can use milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate.
The traditional recipe includes rum for a pleasant aromatic touch, but if you don’t like it you can replace it with another liquor of your choice. For a non-alcoholic variant, for example if the chocolate salami is intended for children, you can replace it with an equal amount of orange juice .
The chocolate salami will keep in the fridge, covered with cling film, for 3-4 days . It can also be frozen for about a month . Be sure to thaw it in the fridge and then leave it at room temperature for an hour before serving.



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