Carnival pizza – the rustic recipe from Sorrento

How to prepare carnival pizza
Step 1
Heat a non-stick frying pan and when it is hot, arrange the sausages, removing the casing1, and fry them, breaking them up little by little with a wooden spoon. Once cooked, turn off the pan and set aside.
step 2
Break the eggs and collect them in a container. Add the grated cheese and ground pepper and mix with a fork2.
step 3
Place a disc of shortcrust pastry in a 22-24 cm diameter baking dish lined with baking paper and let the excess spill over. Prick the base with a fork and spread half of the egg and cheese mixture on top3.
Step 4
Cut the Fior di Latte into slices, squeeze them with your hands and spread them on the cake base4.
Step 5
Sprinkle with an even layer of sausage and cover with the remaining egg mixture5.
Step 6
Cut a slice of the second roll of shortcrust pastry to fit the surface of the cake and place it on top. Then fold the excess edges towards the middle to seal the filling well6.
Step 7
Prick the surface with the tines of a fork and brush everything with the egg yolk and a drop of milk7.
Step 8
Bake the carnival pizza in a preheated static oven at 180°C for about 40 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from the oven, allow to cool and turn out onto a serving plate8.
Step 9
Cut into slices and serve the Carnival pizza hot9.
For more convenience, you can use ready-made shortcrust pastry (you can find it in the fridge at the supermarket), but you can also prepare it at home using our recipe; you can also vary the outer shell of the Carnival pizza by replacing the brisée with puff pastry or pasta matta.
To achieve a perfect result, cut the fiordilatte into slices and press them gently with your hands. Alternatively, you can collect them in a sieve and let the water drain for at least half an hour.
You can replace the fiordilatte with provola or scamorza ; if you want to prepare a vegetarian version , simply omit the sausage and replace it with a vegetable such as spinach or chard.
As with most traditional recipes, there are many different variations : if you love sweet and sour flavors, add a little raisins to the filling, whose sweetness harmonizes perfectly with the savory note of the sausage.
If you liked this recipe, try the pie with pumpkin, potatoes and sausage and the one with mushrooms, potatoes and bacon.
To enjoy the tenderness of the stringy filling, we recommend eating it hot immediately . If you have leftovers, you can store them in a special airtight container in the fridge for a maximum of 2-3 days. Before eating, put it back in the oven for a few minutes, just long enough for the cheese to melt.



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