Caleni gloves: the recipe for typical fried carnival sweets from Campania

How to prepare Caleni gloves

Step 1
Beat the eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt with an electric whisk1 until the mixture is light and fluffy.
step 2
Pour in the extra virgin olive oil2.
step 3
Stir the anise liqueur3.
Step 4
Add the milk4.
Step 5
Also add the lemon juice5.
Step 6
It smells like the grated peel of an organic lemon6.
Step 7
Season the dough with vanilla extract7.
Step 8
Add the baking powder8.
Step 9
Finally add some flour9.
Step 10
Start by mixing the ingredients with a spoon10and gradually stir in the remaining flour.
Step 11
When the dough is compact enough, place it on a pastry board and work it with your hands11; if it is too soft, you can mix it a little more made of flour.
Step 12
You should get a firm and soft dough that should not be sticky12.
Step 13
Cover it with a clean tea towel13and let it rest for 30 minutes.
Step 14
After the resting time, divide the dough into 4 parts14.
Step 15
Roll out each portion with a rolling pin to a thickness of about 3 millimeters15.
Step 16
Using a serrated wheel, cut strips about 3 centimeters wide and 10 centimeters long16.
Step 17
Using a rolling pin, flatten each strip without crushing it too much17.
Step 18
Fold the strips in half18.
Step 19
Bring the two ends together to close them19.
Step 20
Brush the last part with a drop of water20.
Step 21
Seal the edges and press them together with your fingers21; Proceed in the same way with all the other strips of dough and place the Caleni gloves obtained one by one on a floured tray or work surface.
Step 22
Heat plenty of peanut oil in a narrow, high-sided pan, then fry each piece, turning it after 1-2 minutes with a wooden or steel toothpick.22. The ideal oil temperature should be around 170 °C: you can monitor it with a thermometer probe.
Step 23
Drain them when they are puffy and golden brown on both sides23.
Step 24
Place the gloves individually on a plate lined with absorbent kitchen paper to remove excess oil24.
Step 25
Dust the Caleni gloves with icing sugar and bring to the table25.
Caleni gloves taste great both hot and cold: you can enjoy them plain or fill them with hazelnut cream, < ai=3>jams and marmalades of your choice. If you want, you can heat them in the oven or air fryer for a few minutes in the following days: they will be as soft as when they were ready.
Caleni gloves can be stored at room temperature, tightly closed in a food bag, for a maximum of 3 days



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