Cake with cream and amaretti: the recipe for the creamy-aromatic dessert

How to prepare the cream amaretti cake

Step 1
Preparation of the cream: Collect the eggs, starch, sugar, a few drops of vanilla essence and the grated lemon peel in a bowl and mix with a whisk1.
step 2
In the meantime, bring the milk to the boil in a saucepan. Then remove from the heat and slowly pour over the starch-egg mixture and stir with a whisk2.
step 3
Return the resulting mixture to the saucepan and let it cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the cream begins to thicken. Then pour the hot cream into a clean bowl and smooth it with a spatula3, cover with contact film and leave to cool completely in a cool place.
Step 4
Prepare the shortcrust pastry: Gather all the ingredients in the bowl of the planetary mixer, including the cold butter cubes. Work briefly with the blade until a lumpy dough forms. Place on a floured work surface and compact with your hands4. Then wrap in cling film and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
Step 5
Take a little more than half of the dough and roll it out to form a sheet about 1/2 cm thick. Then flour it and roll it around a rolling pin to line the bottom of a previously greased and floured 22-24 cm diameter tin5.
Step 6
Using a thin-bladed knife, cut off any excess edges of the shortcrust pastry. Then carefully peel them off6. Finally, prick the base of the pastry with the tines of a fork.
Step 7
Fill the cake base with the cream and smooth it out with a spatula. Then quickly dip each Amaretto into the coffee and spread it evenly and neatly over the cake surface7.
Step 8
Roll out the second portion of dough in the same way as the previous one. Still placing the rolling pin on the surface of the cake, remove the excess. Finally, use a teaspoon – or a fork – to seal the edges of the cake (8). Cook in a preheated static oven at 170 °C for about 50 minutes, monitoring the degree of browning. Remove from the oven and leave to cool. Then turn out and leave to cool completely on a wire rack before sprinkling with icing sugar and serving.
The baked custard used as a filling for the cream amaretti cake has a proportion of egg yolks – less milk than the traditional custard. In fact, too much egg yolk could result in a shredded and grainy cream when cooked in the oven for a second time.
The cream amaretti cake tastes best when eaten the next day so that the flavors and textures of the mixture can develop and come together properly.
If you love cakes, try the recipe for the cream cake or the cream sour fruit.



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