Buxton Pudding

You can use readymade pastry. Try to pick up sweetened shortcrust pastry. You’ll need around 300g.
If you can, use a dark metal heavy baking tin. These are best at absorbing the heat and cooking the pastry base well.
Always use cold butter when making the pastry. Pastry that is too warm is harder to handle and does not bake as well as cold pastry.
On a similar note, don’t skip the chilling of the dough – it helps achieve crisp pastry and reduces the chance of it shrinking during cooking.
And don’t be tempted to skip the blind baking. It’s the best way to avoid a soggy bottomed tart.
Put a baking sheet into the oven whilst it is heating up then sit the tart tin directly onto it whilst the pudding is baking. This also helps reduce the risk of a soggy bottom.
Once baked leftovers should be cooled and stored in the fridge for up to 2 days.
This dessert can also be frozen. Simply cool then wrap, label and freeze for up to 3 months. Let defrost fully before serving.



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