Bigne (Choux pastry)

Pour the water into a saucepan.
Add the butter, sugar, and salt and bring to a boil.
Remove the pan from the heat and add the flour, stirring continuously avoiding lumps.
Place the pot back on low heat and stir vigorously slamming the mixture with a wooden spoon, until the dough combines and begins to come away from the sides of the pot (you will see a white film on the walls of the pot).
Preheat the oven to 400°F (200° C)
Add the eggs one by one to the cool mixture and mix well before adding the additional eggs, one at a time.
Spoon the dough into a “sac a poche” (pastry bag) and pipe the desired shape onto the baking sheet.
Then with a damp finger, flatten the apex.
Bake until the choux pastry shells puff up and are golden brown on top (35-40 minutes).


A light bigne depends on the quantities of butter and flour. If the butter is more, the bigne` will be crumbly and empty inside; if the flour exceeds the bigne will be particularly flexible, creating cracks on the surface.



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