Berry jelly cake with coconut

Now everything comes together: cut the floor horizontally. Press the upper part upside down on a board with a little cream, cut the second base to a diameter of approx. 18 cm. The top part needs to be smaller so that the berries can be filled into the gap between the bottom and top cake. Now spread some cream on the bottom base and place a large dollop of cream in the middle. Press in 8 strawberry halves and place the second layer on top. Press down briefly and use the remaining cream to smooth and “seal” this top layer on all sides so that no strawberry liquid can penetrate into the cake later.

Now cover the cake tightly with a high cake edge foil and a cake ring. Both are necessary so that the icing stays in the mold and can then be removed from the cake later without any problems. As an extra precaution, press some damp kitchen paper onto the bottom edge from the outside so that the strawberry icing doesn’t find its way out of the mold.
Stuff strawberry halves, raspberries and currants alternately into all the spaces and also cover the top half of the cake with them. At the end the bases and the cream should hardly be visible anymore. Finally, pour the cooled strawberry icing over the cake and let everything solidify in the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.
After the cooling time, remove the kitchen paper, cake ring and cake edge foil and decorate the berry jelly cake with coconut flakes, as well as whole decorative berries and flowers.



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