berliner with jam filling recipe

Baking: Carefully place the dough balls into the hot oil and fry until golden brown on each side. Be careful not to bake too many dough balls at the same time.

Filling: Drain the baked Berliners on kitchen paper. Pour the jam into a piping bag with a fine nozzle and carefully pipe it into the center of each donut.
Finish: Dust the filled Berliners with powdered sugar and serve.


Tips and FAQs:
Why is resting the dough important? The resting time allows the dough to rise and ensures the fluffy consistency of the Berliners.
Can I vary the filling? Yes, in addition to classic jam, you can also use chocolate cream or vanilla pudding as a filling.
What is the best way to store Berliners? Berliners taste best fresh, but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature until the next day.



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