Baked potatoes with meat, cheese and tomato sauce – Tasty recipe for a quick meal

If you are looking for a simple and very tasty recipe for dinner or lunch, the tray with potatoes and tomato sauce is the perfect choice. With a delicious mix of ingredients and quick preparation, this recipe can become a staple in your weekly menu.

Ingredients for the tray with potatoes, meat and tomato sauce:

1 kg of potatoes
100 g cascaval
3 eggs
300 g rosii cherry
1 teaspoon salt
250 g sausages or any kind of meat
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 onion

Baked potatoes with meat, cheese and tomato sauce - Tasty recipe for a quick meal
Method of preparation:

Boil the potatoes until they become soft, then let them cool and clean them. Then turn them over on the larger side of the grater.
Mix the eggs with the grated potatoes, add salt, oregano and mix well.
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