Baked apple cheese cream cake – without gelatine

That’s how it’s done:

Mix the flour, cornstarch and baking powder, sift in two parts onto the egg mixture and carefully fold in with a spatula.
Pour the dough into the springform pan and bake for about 22-25 minutes. Don’t forget to do the toothpick test!
Remove the sponge cake from the oven, remove it from the tin and let it cool upside down on a wire rack.

For the filling:
Wash, peel, core and dice the apples.
Mix the apple pieces with sugar, lemon juice, vanilla paste and cinnamon and sauté in a non-stick pan for about 5 minutes until soft. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

For the cream:
Mix the quark, sugar and lemon juice until smooth. Stir in the San-apart and beat until creamy.
Whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold it into the quark cream.
Stir in apple pieces.

Here’s how it continues:
Halve the sponge cake horizontally. Place the first layer on a cake plate, surround it with a cake ring and soak it with milk (not necessary). Spread the baked apple, cheese and cream mixture on the layer. Smooth it out. Place the second layer (soak if necessary) on top with the bottom side facing down. Press down and chill for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.
To decorate, remove the cake from the tin. Sprinkle with icing sugar and decorate with apple chips and crunchy balls.

Cream with gelatin:
Soak gelatine in very cold water.
Meanwhile, stir the quark, sugar and lemon juice until smooth.
Put the gelatine leaves dripping wet into a small saucepan, heat (do not boil) and dissolve. Remove from the heat and stir in 1-2 tablespoons of cream to even out the temperature, then add to the rest of the cream and stir.
Whip the cream until stiff and carefully fold in.



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