Apricot and Almond Tart

Apricot and almond tart is a true celebration of summer flavors, a hymn to the sweetness of seasonal fruits and the deliciousness of almonds. This dessert, where the subtle acidity of apricots meets the richness of almond cream, is an iconic recipe of French pastry. Renowned for its perfect balance between taste and

texture, this tart promises a unique taste experience, combining the softness of juicy apricots with the melting and crunchy consistency of almonds.

The preparation of this tart begins with the making of a homemade shortcrust pastry. Light and slightly crumbly, this base is the ideal base to accommodate the generosity of the filling. Although store-bought

pastry can serve as a quick alternative, the homemade version brings a personal and authentic touch that makes all the difference. The shortcrust pastry, once rolled out and arranged in the mold, waits patiently in the refrigerator, preparing to welcome the riches to come.

Next comes the preparation of the almond cream, the heart of the tart, where butter, sugar, eggs and almond powder blend harmoniously. This cream, smooth and fragrant, is the perfect link between the dough and the

apricots. It brings sweetness and depth to the dessert, while enhancing the taste of the fruit. The almond extract adds an extra dimension to this symphony of flavors, balancing the natural acidity of the apricots.

Assembling the tart is a moment of artistic creation. The apricots, carefully cut and arranged on the almond cream, are like the gemstones of a culinary jewel. Their bright color and tender texture contrast beautifully

with the golden, crispy base of the tart. Sprinkled with flaked almonds, the tart takes on the appearance of a masterpiece, ready to be baked to reveal its captivating aromas and attractive golden color. This is a tart that not only satisfies the taste buds, it also enchants the eyes and awakens the senses.

For an 11-inch pie (27.5 cm diameter)

Preparation time: About 1 hour
Cooking time: 40 minutes

Ingredients :

1/2 lb (250 g) homemade or store-bought shortcrust pastry
12 apricots, halved
4 tablespoons flaked almonds
2 tablespoons butter, plus more for the pan
Icing sugar for finishing
For the almond cream:

1/2 cup (125 g) butter, room temperature
3/4 cup sugar
3 eggs
1 1/2 cups (150 g) almond powder
2 teaspoons almond extract

Preparation :

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