Apple pie: the original recipe

how to prepare apple pie

Step 1
To prepare the apple pie, start with the dough, the crust pie. Add the flour, sugar, cold butter cut into cubes and a pinch of salt to the mixer. Combine the ingredients and pour in the cold water little by little and constantly, keeping the mixer active until the dough is rough.
1. We recommend that you do not work the dough too much to prevent the butter from heating up.

Step 2 Flour the surface and work the dough until you obtain a smooth consistency. We advise you not to work it too much to prevent it from hardening. Then divide the dough into two loaves, one a little larger than the other, and flatten them slightly. Wrap the two disks of dough in transparent film.

2. Let them rest in the refrigerator for 30 to 60 minutes and, once the necessary time has passed, leave them at room temperature for a few minutes: this is a fundamental step to make them elastic again and easier to work with.

Step 3 Now move on to preparing the filling. Start by washing, drying, peeling and cutting the apples into pieces of the same size.
3 . To prevent the apples from releasing too much water during cooking, moistening the dough, we recommend placing the apple slices on a cloth and patting them lightly. Also, it is essential to use only one type of apple and not to mix them to prevent the filling from becoming too liquid.

Stage 4 Combine the sugar, flour, lemon juice, ground cinnamon and nutmeg. 4 .

Step 5 Stir occasionally
and let the filling marinate for at least half an hour, then add the melted butter.

Step 6 Once the filling is ready, we work the dough again. Once the remaining time has passed, we take it out of the refrigerator and roll out the first block of dough on a flat surface with a rolling pin.
6 until we obtain a circular disk about 5 millimeters thick and slightly wider than the mold.

Step 7 Butter and flour the mold to prevent the dough from sticking during baking. 7.

Step 8 Place the first disk on the baking sheet with a rolling pin. Press the dough well onto the bottom and sides. 8 .

Step 9 Add the apple filling to the center of the dough, spreading it over the entire surface, taking care to accumulate more in the center to create a small dome that stays high during and after baking. 9 .

Step 10 Spread a few small pieces of butter inside the filling.
10 , then cut off the excess dough.

Step 11 Now, on a lightly floured surface, roll out the other block of dough with a rolling pin and then fold it in half. eleven.

Step 12 Fold it in a quarter again.
12 Then roll it out again until you get a circular shape.

Step 13 Place the new disc on top of the filling.
13 until it is well covered.

Step 14 Brush the surface of the cake with a mixture of egg and two teaspoons of water (you can substitute the water with milk or cream). Then pinch the edges with the tip of your index finger and thumb to seal the filling well, then repeat this step also inwards to obtain pointed edges and a scalloped edge. Trim off the excess dough, then with the help of a very sharp knife or scissors, make small cuts on the top, including some in the center. 14.

Step 15 Cover the cake with aluminium foil to obtain a perfectly golden dome and then cook it in the oven preheated to 220°C for about 35-40 minutes. Remove the foil and continue cooking for another 10-15 minutes. Place the apple tart on the lowest shelf of the oven and, if necessary, cover the edges with baking paper: the edges, in fact, tend to brown first and, with this little trick, you will prevent them from burning once baked. 15 .

Step 16 Remove the apple tart from the oven and serve warm with a sprinkle of icing sugar.
sixteen .

How to preserve apple pie?

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