Apple Crumble

Apple Crumble is a classic dessert, loved for its simplicity and rich flavors. This recipe gets its charm from the use of sour cooking apples, such as Reine des Reinettes, which are perfect for their firm texture and slightly tart taste. Apples are at the heart of this dessert, so their selection is crucial to achieve the desired taste and

consistency. Another key element of this recipe is the use of homemade brick pastry sheets, which provide a crisp and light texture, contrasting nicely with the softness of the apples.

The preparation process begins with cooking the apples. This step is essential to concentrate the flavors and achieve a candied texture. The apples are carefully sliced ​​and slowly cooked in a non-stick pan with butter,

until they reach a perfect caramelized state. Brown sugar, added halfway through cooking, helps develop a rich sweetness and an attractive golden color. It is important not to overcook the apples in order to maintain a certain firmness, which adds texture to the dessert.

Once the apples are ready, they are gently mixed with heavy cream and Calvados. The latter, a typical apple liqueur from Normandy, intensifies the taste of the apples and adds a subtle alcoholic note. The preparation

of the croustade itself is a balancing act between delicacy and precision: the brick sheets are buttered and arranged in a rosette in a pastry ring, creating a crispy, golden base to accommodate the apple filling.

The final assembly of the croustade is a moment of creativity. The cooked apples are spread over the brick base, then covered with crumpled brick strips to add volume and texture. The whole thing is then baked until

the brick sheets reach a perfect golden color and an irresistibly crispy texture. The result is a warm dessert, where each bite offers a harmonious blend of crisp and melting, a real pleasure for the taste buds.

Preparation time : 30 minutes
Cooking time : 45 minutes
For : A circle of 25 cm in diameter

Ingredients :

1 kg of cooking apples (Reine des Reinettes type)
6 to 7 sheets of homemade brick pastry
2 tablespoons (tbsp) heavy cream
80 g melted butter
80 g brown sugar
3 caps of Calvados

Preparation :

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