Apple and mascarpone brioche tart

Ingredients :

For the dough:
250g of flour
1 large egg
10 g of fresh baker’s yeast
100 g butter

2 tablespoons of milk
3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt (3 g)

For garnish :
3 beautiful apples
2 sachets of vanilla sugar (15 g)
2 tablespoons brown sugar (+ or – according to taste)
150 g mascarpone
20 g butter
Apple Brioche Tart

Preparation :

In a bowl, mix the crumbled baker’s yeast with the lukewarm milk and a tablespoon of sugar. Let stand for 10 minutes.
Sift the flour into a bowl, add the remaining two tablespoons of sugar, the salt and mix with a spoon.

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