Apple and Cream Pie – Delicious and Aromatic

Method of preparation:

Cover a baking tray with parchment paper and place some of the dough in the form, sticking it to the bottom and sides. Refrigerate the dough for 20 minutes.

Cut the apples into large slices, remove the seeds, then mix them with the lemon juice and sugar and cook on low heat for 8-10 minutes, stirring constantly.
To create the cream, beat the egg whites with the classic sugar and vanilla until you get a white cream with stable peaks, then add the cream and cornstarch and continue beating until the composition becomes homogeneous.
Place a layer of slightly cooled apples in the form with the prepared dough, then fill it with the cream and cover the cream with the remaining crumbly dough.
Preheat the oven to 170 degrees Celsius and bake the pie for 40-45 minutes.
As the pie cools, the top will flatten, while the dough will retain its soft, airy texture inside.



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