Almond Cherry Cookies

Almond Sugar Cookies stacked with top one cut open

Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
In a large bowl mix together butter, powdered sugar and vanilla until blended.
In a separate bowl combine flour, salt and almonds. Blend dry into butter mixture.
To form a cookie take a tablespoon of dough, make a pit in the middle and place a half of a cherry in pit then fold dough over the cherry to form a ball of cookie dough. Place on parchment paper lined baking sheet. Flatten cookie dough slightly.
Bake at 375 degrees for 8-9 minutes or until edges are just starting to turn golden brown. Remove from oven and cool.
In a small bowl mix together powdered sugar, cherry juice and almond extract for frosting. Add enough milk to make it dipping consistency. Dip tops of cookies in icing, flip over and place on wire rack. Sprinkle with red sugar.

Can I use almond flour instead of all-purpose flour?
I haven’t tested this recipe with almond flour, but mostly like it won’t work. Substituting the same amount for all-purpose flour will not yield the same results.
My dough is very dry and crumbly. What did I do wrong?
If it’s dry you might have added too much flour. The best way to measure it is to first stir the flour in the container. Then, lightly spoon it into your dry measuring cup and use a dinner knife to level it off.
Do I have to stuff the cookies? Can you just add the cherries to the dough?
I love the surprise bite of cherry inside the cookie, but you could use chopped maraschino cherries instead and fold them into the dough after you add the dry ingredients.
Can I use fresh cherries?
I haven’t tried that but fresh cherries have a lot more moisture. As they bake they will release juices which could change how the cookies turn out. For that reason, it’s better to stick with maraschino cherries.
How long do the cookies keep?
They will keep for three days at room temperature. Keep them tightly wrapped in plastic wrap or in an airtight container.



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