Ace Cake: the recipe for the soft and fragrant dessert

Step 1
Peel the carrots, wash them and cut them into small pieces. Place the chopped carrots in a food processor1.
step 2
Pour in sunflower oil2.
step 3
Close and mix at maximum speed3.
Step 4
The carrot puree must be mixed well with the oil4.
Step 5
Crack the eggs into a large bowl5.
Step 6
Add the sugar6.
Step 7
Beat with an electric whisk7.
Step 8
The egg-sugar mixture should be light and fluffy8.
Step 9
Add the carrot puree9.
Step 10
Add the grated orange peel10.
Step 11
Also add the lemon zest11.
Step 12
Pour in the lemon juice12.
Step 13
Then the orange juice13.
Step 14
Add the sifted flour14.
Step 15
Also add the potato starch15.
Step 16
And finally the baking powder for desserts16. Work the dough with an electric whisk to mix the powders evenly.
Step 17
The Ace cake batter is ready17.
Step 18
Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured donut pan18.
Step 19
The Ace cake is ready to bake19. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 °C for 45-50 minutes, checking the doneness with a wooden toothpick.
Step 20
Remove the Ace cake from the oven and let it cool in the pan20.
Step 21
Turn the Ace cake over using a plate or lid to remove it from the pan without risking breaking it21.
Step 22
Allow the Ace Cake to cool completely on a plate or wire rack22.
Step 23
Flip it over again to give it the classic donut look23.
Step 24
After cooling, dust the Ace Cake with powdered sugar24.
Step 25
The Ace Cake is ready to be enjoyed in all its glory25.
The Ace cake can be stored at room temperature, in an airtight container or under a glass dome for 4 days



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