Winter cake: The recipe for the spiced fruit cake with walnuts and hazelnuts

Step 1
Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the granulated sugar1and beat with an electric whisk for 5-6 minutes until the mixture swells and becomes foamy.
step 2
Season with cinnamon and pisto, add milk2and still work with whips.
step 3
Add the extra virgin olive oil3.
Step 4
Add flour and yeast4, sift together, add a pinch of salt and mix the ingredients thoroughly until you get a homogeneous mass without lumps.
Step 5
Dip the peeled and diced pear and apple into a small bowl where you have poured the mistra. Then drain the diced fruit and add it to the prepared mixture5.
Step 6
Soak the raisins in boiling water for 10 minutes, drain and dip them in the bowl with the mistrà. Once it is flavored, add it to the flour and add it to the rest of the ingredients together with the dried fruit6, coarsely chopped with a knife: put aside some hazelnuts and chopped walnut kernels for the final garnish.
Step 7
Mix 50 g of dark chocolate flakes7, perfume with the remaining Mistrà and mix well with a spatula.
Step 8
Pour the mixture into a well-buttered and floured 22 cm cake tin and sprinkle the surface of the cake with the reserved dried fruit and the remaining chocolate8. Place in a static oven at 170 °C and cook for about 45 minutes, checking the doneness carefully with a toothpick after the first 35 minutes.
Step 9
After baking, take the winter cake out of the oven, let it cool and turn it out onto a serving plate. Dust with icing sugar, cut into slices and serve.



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