WHIPPING, MIXING AND SCORING — CAKE That Everyone Succeeds in, Quick and Easy to Prepare!


3 layers of puff pastry
3 vanilla puddings
1.5 liters of cherry juice
1 liter of sweet cream
5 tablespoons of sugar
1 pack of cherries


Roll out the crusts on a large upside-down baking sheet, prick it with a fork and put it to bake. Repeat the process with the next two crusts.
Cook the vanilla pudding in the cherry juice (use all three bags of the pudding, and at the end add the cherries and let it cook for another minute or two. Then remove from the stove and let it cool down well.
Beat the sweet cream and arrange in this order: crust -cherry filling-sweet cream-crust-cherry filling-sweet cream-crust
Sprinkle powdered sugar over the last crust, let it cool well and cut into cubes.



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