Vegetable coconuts: the typical Sardinian recipe, simple and delicious

Step 1
Wash the zucchini and remove the ends, peel the carrots and shallots, then grate the vegetables with a coarse grater and collect in a large bowl1.
step 2
Mix flour2.
step 3
Add 2 tablespoons of oil3.
Step 4
Season with salt and pepper.
Step 5
Mix the ingredients with a spoon until you get a smooth and homogeneous mixture5.
Step 6
Line a baking tray with baking paper, sprinkle a splash of oil on it and spread the dough on top6.
Step 7
Smooth with the back of a teaspoon until you have a thin, even layer7, then cook in a preheated convection oven at 190°C for 30 minutes. Once it’s ready, take it out of the oven, let it rest for a few moments, then cut it into squares to place on a serving plate.
Step 8
Enjoy the vegetable coccoi, hot and fragrant8.
You can vary the coccoi vegetables as you like , also according to seasonality : in addition to zucchini, carrots and shallots, you can use cherry tomatoes and peppers, or create an autumn version with yellow pumpkin and onions, mushrooms, turnip greens, dried tomatoes, grated cauliflower and everything you find at the market stall.



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