Vanilla Coconut Ice Box Cake

Arrange 9 graham crackers in your pan. Top with one cup of filling and 1/4 cup of shredded coconut. Repeat layers ending with 9 graham crackers. Fold plastic wrap over top of cake and freeze for at least 4 hours.
Before serving. invert cake onto a cake plate, top with remaining whipped topping and toasted coconut. Serve immediately or keep frozen.


*To toast coconut:

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Arrange coconut in an even layer. Toast coconut in the oven, stirring every 5 minutes until coconut is golden in color. This could take 15-20 minutes. Be sure to keep a close eye as the coconut can burn quickly.


Can I use homemade whipped cream instead of cool whip?
Yes! Whip up 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream until stiff peaks form and add in 1 teaspoon of vanilla and 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Use as you would the cool whip. The heavy cream will expand and make about 3 cups of finished whipped topping when done, which is about what you get from an 8-ounce tub of cool whip.

How long is an icebox cake good for?
This cake is good for about a week if kept stored in the freezer, but it truly tastes best within the first two days. Any longer than that and the flavor isn’t as strong and the ice crystals begin to form, making the cake less desirable.

Where can I find the cream of coconut?
This is an item usually found in your grocery store’s mixed drink section. If you have trouble locating it near you you can google “cream of coconut” and click the shopping tab on the search results to see who carries it. This will save you time and effort instead of hopping from one store to another.

This vanilla coconut ice bake cake is such an easy no-bake treat! It’s rich and creamy too! #IDelight @InDelight



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