Tiramisu cheesecake: the recipe for a fresh and creamy dessert

For a completely safe consumption of the tiramisu cheesecake, we have foreseen the pasteurization of the egg yolks, which are beaten together with a syrup brought to a temperature of 121°C. If you want to avoid this somewhat delicate technical step, you can buy already pasteurized liquid yolks in the supermarket (you can find them in the refrigerated section): this way you can process them with sugar without preparing the syrup.

For an even more aromatic result, you can enrich the coffee syrup with a drop of rum or sambuca. For an elegant and pleasant contrast, you can enrich the cream with chocolate chips and decorate the surface with white chocolate flakes and red fruits. A dessert to enjoy in the company of your closest friends at the end of a special lunch or dinner.

Learn how to make tiramisu cheesecake by following step by step instructions and advice.
How to prepare tiramisu cheesecake

Step 1

Make coffee with a Moka pot for 4 people1. You will need about 200 ml of it.

step 2

Pour the still hot coffee into a bowl and let it cool2.

step 3

Dip the gelatin sheets in cold water and let them soak for at least 10 minutes3.

Step 4

Collect the cream in a saucepan and heat it without bringing it to the boil.

Step 5

Squeeze the gelatine sheets thoroughly5.

Step 6

Transfer them away from the heat into the hot cream and stir until completely melted6.

Step 7

Cut the ladyfingers: Cut each cookie lengthwise diagonally7 to form a petal shape.

Step 8

Collect the egg yolks together with the sugar in a large bowl8.

Step 9

Collect water and sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil to prepare the syrup9.

Step 10

In the meantime, start mixing the egg yolks with the sugar10.

Step 11

Monitor the temperature of the syrup11. Once the temperature is close to 121°C, continue beating the egg yolks.

Step 12

Once the exact temperature is reached, slowly pour in the syrup, stirring constantly12. Beat again until the mixture has cooled.

Step 13

Now add the mascarpone and the spreadable cheese, leaving no liquid residue13, and continue whipping with the whisk.

Step 14

Also add cream with gelatin14Once the mixture is uniform, put it in the refrigerator.

Step 15

Quickly drop each ladyfinger into the coffee and shape the base as if it were a flower in an 18cm diameter springform pan15.

Step 16

Take the cream back and spread half of it in the mold16.

Step 17

Continue forming a new layer of soaked ladyfingers17.

Step 18

Finally, apply the cream and smooth the surface18.

Step 19

Dip even the smallest pieces left over from cutting the ladyfingers into the coffee and sink them into a flower on the surface19.

Step 20

Place the cheesecake in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours20. Place it on a flat plate to avoid spilling coffee.

Step 21

After the resting time, remove the dessert from the mold with a thin knife21.

Step 22

Sprinkle the surface of the cake generously with bitter cocoa22.

Step 23

Serve the cheesecake tiramisu in slices23.

The tiramisu cheesecake can be stored in the refrigerator in a special airtight container for 1-2 days.



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