To make the shortcrust pastry, mix the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt on the work surface. Add the butter and egg yolk (use the egg white for the Viennese base) and knead a shortcrust pastry with your hands. Only knead for as long as necessary so that the dough does not become hard and cracked. Roll out the dough slightly larger than the springform pan. Use the springform pan to cut out a round sheet of dough and bake the shortcrust pastry base on a baking tray lined with baking paper at 150 degrees fan or 170 degrees bottom/top heat for about 10 minutes. Be careful: the thin base quickly becomes too dark at the end of the baking time!

To make the Viennese base, beat the eggs, egg whites, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon peel and salt in a warm water bath using a hand mixer (whisk) until foamy for about 5 minutes. The Viennese mass should be lukewarm (approx. 45 degrees). Remove the bowl from the water bath and continue beating the mixture until it has cooled to about room temperature. Gently warm the butter in the microwave or a saucepan until liquid (not hot). Sift the flour over the egg mixture and carefully fold in the flour. Finally, carefully stir the melted butter into the Viennese mixture. Line the bottom of a springform pan with baking paper and stretch the edge of the springform pan onto the base. Do not grease the edge. Put the Viennese mixture into the mold and bake the raspberry cake base in the preheated oven at 170 degrees fan or 190 degrees bottom/top heat for about 25 minutes.

Set aside 12 to 16 beautiful raspberries to decorate the rosettes later. Mix the remaining raspberries with 75 g of sugar and set aside another 4 tablespoons of the raspberries (you will place these later on the lower cake layer). Puree the remaining raspberries.

Place the shortcrust pastry base on a cake plate. Spread a tablespoon of the raspberry puree on the shortcrust pastry. Cut the Viennese base into 2 slices and place one of the two cake bases on the shortcrust pastry. Spread the 4 tablespoons of the unpureed raspberries on the cake base. Place a cake ring around the cake base so that there is approx. 1 cm space between the cake base and the cake ring for the raspberry cake filling. Instead of a cake ring, you can also use the stretched springform pan rim.

For the raspberry cream filling, soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes. Mix yoghurt, quark, 150 g sugar, vanilla sugar and lemon juice. Lightly squeeze the soaked gelatine leaves and heat the gelatine in a saucepan. The gelatine must not boil. Then slowly stir 2 tablespoons of the quark mixture into the gelatine. If clumps of gelatine form, the gelatine was not warm enough. In this case, warm the gelatine again while stirring until the lumps have dissolved. Then stir the gelatine into the remaining quark mixture.

Beat the well-chilled cream until stiff and stir the cream into the curd mixture. Put a quarter of the quark mixture in a separate bowl and stir the raspberry puree into the other, larger part of the quark mixture. Fill the space between the cake ring and the bottom cake layer with red raspberry cream. To do this you can take a tablespoon or use a pointed bag. Then put the white cream filling on the bottom cake layer. No white cream filling should get on the cake ring. Put some more red raspberry cake filling all around the cake ring and place the second cake layer on top of the white mixture. Then put the remaining red raspberry cake filling on the raspberry cake, smooth out the raspberry cake filling and fill the edge of the cake with the raspberry cake filling.

Place the raspberry cake in the refrigerator for a few hours until the raspberry cake filling has set. Then remove the cake ring.

For the cream rosettes, whip 200 ml of cream with a level teaspoon of sugar and the cream stiffener according to the instructions on the package. Pour the whipped cream into a piping bag fitted with a large star tip (approx. size 10) and pipe 12 to 16 rosettes onto the raspberry cake. Then place a raspberry on each rosette.




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