Heat the cream to the boiling point and immediately remove from the heat. Add the chopped chocolate and stir gently to melt the chocolate and obtain a smooth mass (ganache). Don’t even mix.
Cool to room temperature. (You can prepare the ganache in advance. You can store it at room temperature for up to 7 days and longer in the refrigerator. Otherwise, it can be used to fill macarons, various cookies and as a material for chocolate glaze).
When the ganache has cooled completely, set aside 3-4 tablespoons for the topping.
Beat the rest with a mixer until it becomes foamy, then slowly add the butter one at a time, beating all the time.
Now cut the cooled crust into three or four parts (as many or as many as you want. I cut it into five parts but I only used three because I wanted a smaller cake. I used the rest as a base for an Oreo cake with peanut butter and some cheesecake) .
Now place one layer of skin back into the mold. Cover it with some of the filling (divide the filling so you have about the same amount to cover each crust.
I use a smaller bowl and divide the filling evenly depending on how many layers I want to make). Cover with another crust, spread and repeat the process until all the filling and crusts are used.
Be sure to leave the bottom crust until last, then flip it so the bottom crust is on top. Although they will do the wrong thing, the result is great because that surface is the flattest and looks beautiful. Do not cover the top crust.
Leave it in the fridge for a few hours so that the cake hardens.
Heat the ganache reserved for the topping, but be careful not to let it boil. Remove the cooled cake from the mold and transfer it to the plate where you will serve it.
Pour the entire ganache into the center of the cake, let it drip freely around the edges. If the cake is still uneven, and the ganache remains in the middle, use a knife to “help” it spread over the edges. You have to do this quickly because the ganache sets quickly.
Sprinkle the cake with chopped walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, chopped chocolate… and enjoy!



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