The King of Napoleons

Sprinkle some of the cake crumbs on top of the cake to cover the top surface completely. The remainder of the crumbs will be used for the sides of the cake, later.

The cake crumbs are used to prevent a film from forming on the custard.

Remove the ring: Run a thin knife on the inside of the cake ring to losen the cake from the ring. Remove the ring.

Cover the sides with the remainder of the custard in an even layer. Press the remaining cake crumbs against the sides of the cake, covering the sides completely. If there are any remaining crumbs, sprinkle them on top.

Tap the serving plate with the cake several times allowing any lose crumbs to fall to the sides of the plate. Now clean up the edges of the cake plate and refrigerate the cake until ready to eat.

See notes for serving suggestions.

Trimming the edges of the cake and lining them with leftover puff pastry cake crumbs.

Recipe Notes

Serving Suggestion:

Crispy version: The cake can be served right away after assembly, in which case you’ll be able to experience the thin, brittle and crispy layers of cake that alternate with creamy custard. The cake will stay crispy for about 1-2 hours after assembly.
Tender & soft: Otherwise, it can be refrigerated for 24-48 hours and then served. This version will delight you with a soft and tender cake that you can easily slice through with a spoon. Make sure to bring the cake to room temperature before serving. If you serve it cold the cake might seem like it doesn’t have enough custard.
If you cut into the cake anytime between the time of option 1 or option 2, the cake layers will be a bit gummy and hard to slice through with a fork/spoon. So, either serve it right after assembly or wait until the cake layers have had the time to absorb the cream and become tender.



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