The best homemade, flourless dessert – Meringue tops with walnut and chocolate cream


For the tops, mix the egg whites with the powdered sugar, using an initial whisk, then mix with the mixer. We gradually increase the speed, from low to high, until we get a hard, firm and glossy foam. With a spatula, incorporate the starch, being very careful not to break the foam. In 3 installments we also incorporate the nuts with great care.
We cover the pan from the stove with baking paper and transfer the composition to it. Uniformize with great care and put the tray in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.
Immediately after baking, turn the top onto a piece of baking paper and remove the paper it was baked on. let the top cool completely. After it has cooled, smooth the edges and cut into 3 tops. The tops will be soft, elastic and fluffy.
For the cream, mix the egg yolks with the powdered sugar with a whisk until smooth. We start mixing with the mixer, at high speed. We mix for 5 minutes, until we get a whitish, fluffy and voluminous composition.

In 3 installments we also incorporate the milk, mixing with the spatula, carefully. We transfer the composition to a pan with a thick bottom. Heat the cream over low heat until it thickens and reaches a temperature of 90 degrees. We mix continuously. We don’t have to boil the cream. We transfer the cream into a bowl, cover its surface with food foil and let it cool completely.
Put the soft butter in a bowl. We mix it foam and then transfer it to the cream, together with the cocoa powder. We homogenize well, using a spoon or spatula.



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