Swiss roll with blueberries

Take the soaked gelatine out of the water until it is dripping wet, put it in a small pot and briefly dissolve it on the stove while stirring (do not let it boil). Immediately stir 1 heaped tablespoon of the mascarpone cream quickly into the dissolved gelatine and then immediately add the entire contents of the pot Mix in the remaining mascarpone cream.
Now fold the solid whipped cream into the mascarpone cream.

This cream can now be used straight away.
Carefully unroll the Swiss roll again.
Spread about 2/3 of the cream over the entire surface, save the rest to spread on the Swiss rolls.
Starting from the front, away from the body, sprinkle around 200 g of the blueberries, well distributed, so that at the end almost a third of the surface is left with just cream and no fruit.
Now carefully roll up the Swiss roll away from the body with the lavishly placed blueberries on it, with the end of the roll at the bottom.

Spread the remaining cream over the entire roll and decorate with blueberries if desired.
Let the filled Swiss roll with blueberries cool again in the fridge until serving



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