Strawberry yogurt cake with biscuit base


Prepare the cream:
Put the yoghurt in a large bowl and mix with honey and lemon zest.
Soak the gelatine in cold water and allow it to swell for about 10 minutes. Then slowly dissolve the gelatine in the microwave or in a water bath.
Stir the dissolved gelatine into the yoghurt until well mixed.

Create layers:
Pour half of the yoghurt cream onto the biscuit mixture in the tin and smooth it out.
Place the mold in the refrigerator and let the cream set.
After hardening, sprinkle the remaining biscuit mixture onto the first layer of cream and press down lightly.
Spread the remaining yoghurt cream on top and smooth it out. Place the mold back in the fridge and allow it to set completely.
Prepare the strawberry layer:
Wash and clean the strawberries and cut them into small pieces. Put them in a pot and mix with water, sugar and cornstarch.
Bring the mixture to the boil, stirring constantly, and simmer until it thickens and reaches a thick consistency.
Take the set yoghurt-biscuit layer out of the fridge and spread the strawberry mixture evenly over it.
Place the dessert back in the fridge and allow it to set completely until at least the next day.
Serving suggestion:
Before serving, cut the dessert into pieces and garnish with fresh strawberries or mint leaves as desired.
A notice:
Let your creativity run wild and vary the recipe with other fruits or additional flavors such as vanilla or cinnamon.



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