Strawberry cake with quark recipe

tablespoons of hot water, 200 g sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt using a hand mixer (whisk) for at least 7 minutes until foamy. In a separate bowl, mix 250 g flour with a teaspoon of baking powder and carefully fold into the egg mixture. Finally add the melted but not hot butter and stir in carefully. Bake the strawberry cake sponge in a preheated oven at 175 degrees fan or 190 degrees bottom/top heat for about 40 minutes and then let it cool.

Potions: Stir two tablespoons of sugar into 100 ml of hot water and then add another 100 ml of cold water.

Strawberries: Wash the strawberries and drain them on a kitchen towel. Only now remove the inflorescences. Put four nice, medium-sized strawberries back for later to decorate the strawberry cake. Puree half of the strawberries with the hand blender. Cut the remaining strawberries in half.

Prepare the strawberry cake: Place the shortcrust pastry base on a cake maker or cake plate and spread with a tablespoon of pureed strawberries. Cut the sponge cake in half to create two cake layers. Place the bottom cake base on the shortcrust pastry base and place a cake ring tightly around the cake base. Drizzle the sponge cake base surrounded by the cake ring with half of the prepared liquid.

Quark filling: For the strawberry cake filling, mix the yoghurt, quark, 200 g sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon juice and the pureed strawberries in a large bowl. If you prefer it a little sweeter, you can add an additional 50 g of sugar.

Place the gelatine sheets individually in a bowl of cold water and let them soak for 5 minutes. Then squeeze out the gelatine slightly and warm it carefully in a small saucepan. Stir the gelatine with your index finger. If the gelatine becomes too hot for your finger, briefly remove the pan from the heat. When the gelatine is dissolved, stir a few spoonfuls of the strawberry cake filling into the gelatine one at a time. Then stir the gelatine into the curd filling and chill the curd filling.

Beat 400 g of well-chilled whipped cream until stiff. When the strawberry cake filling begins to gel, stir the whipped cream into the strawberry cake filling.

Assemble the strawberry cake: Spread a little of the strawberry cake filling on the soaked sponge cake base, spread the halved strawberries on top, and then add three quarters of the remaining strawberry cake filling on top of the strawberries. Now place the second sponge cake base on top, sprinkle the base with the remaining liquid, and then spread the remaining strawberry cake filling evenly over the base. Then place the strawberry cake in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight so that the strawberry cake filling sets.

Decorate the strawberry cake: When the strawberry cake has set, remove the cake ring. Beat 300 g of well-chilled cream until stiff. Just before the whipped cream has set, stir in a heaped teaspoon of sugar and the cream stiffener. Pour a quarter of the whipped cream into a conical bag with a large star nozzle. Using a palette knife or a wide knife, line the top and sides of the strawberry cake with the remaining whipped cream. Then pipe 16 cream rosettes onto the strawberry cake. Quarter the 4 reserved strawberries and place them on the cream rosettes. Finally, sprinkle the strawberry cake with chocolate sprinkles and sprinkle the edges of the strawberry cake with the chocolate sprinkles.



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