Stake with mineral

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Grind the dry ingredients. hazelnuts, flour, baking powder of both types of cocoa, mix and gradually add to the beaten egg mass.

At the end, first gradually add the oil, when it is whipped, add the mineral water.

Mix everything gently with a mixer.

The mass will be liquid and thin, that’s how it should be.

Pour the mass into a baking tray, then preheat the oven to 150°C

and put it in the oven for about 1 hour, until it turns golden brown (try the cake with a toothpick, so that it will stick you in the middle of the cake, if the toothpick is dry, the cake is ready).

Immediately turn the cake onto a wire (cake rack) and let it cool for 20 minutes.

3.Melt the chocolate in steam, add butter to the melted butter, mix everything well and coat the cake with the glaze.

Toast the chopped hazelnuts in a dry pan and sprinkle over the glaze after 10 minutes of applying it to the cake.

4.Cool the cake, cut it into thin slices, and serve it with a little whipped cream/sluggage.



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