Soft apple swivel: the recipe for an easy and fragrant dessert


Dissolve the yeast in the slightly warm milk.
Add the sugar, oil, egg, vanilla and lemon zest.
Then incorporate the two flours little by little at the same time.
Finally, add salt.

Knead until you get a smooth, uniform block.
Place in a bowl, cover and let rise for 2 or 3 hours.
Peel and dice the apples.

Put them in a saucepan with the cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice.
Cook on the stove until it becomes softer. Then add the jam.
Roll out the dough on a floured work surface, then divide it into two equal parts.
Fill them both with the apple mixture and close.

Now place both loaves in a round mold with baking paper at the bottom and shape the pivot.
Cover and let rise again for an hour.
Brush the surface with a little beaten egg yolk and milk, then decorate with grains of sugar.
Bake at 180° for 40 minutes.



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