Snow apples


Put them in a pan, pour water, sprinkle with a little sugar (I put 2 spoons) and cook until they soften, 10 to 15 minutes. Take care not to overcook them (as they softened, I took them out of the pan).

When they are cooked, take them out to cool so they can be filled.

Prepare a container in which the apples will be placed (a fine ceramic or glass one). Cook all the apples because they soften during cooking and there will be room for all the apples (there is no room for one half in the picture).

Arrange the biscuit on the bottom of the dish. Each apple will have its own two biscuits.

Cook the cream. Beat the egg whites until stiff, then add the egg yolks, sugar, vanilla sugar or a teaspoon of flavoring, flour and dilute with milk from the 750 gr. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil, remove from heat, add beaten eggs, return and cook over low heat until it thickens. Add another 75 g of butter

Arrange one row of biscuits in the dish and spread the cream well because there is enough for everyone (in the picture, I had very little spread, then I had to lift the biscuits to get more cream between them). The second row of biscuits is placed together with the apple.

Stir in chopped walnuts, raisins (soaked in water or rum to soften), cinnamon and a spoonful of jam. Use it to fill cooked apples. Put a biscuit on top of the filled apple, turn it upside down and arrange it on top of the cream.

When everything is nicely filled and lined up, it is covered with cream. Move the cookies a little so that the cream gets into all the cavities. Sprinkle with coconut and leave in the fridge to cool and soften the biscuit (I made it in the evening for the next day).



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