Simple, quick, delicious


For the dough:
300 g flour, or spelled flour
250 g butter, or margarine, cold
125 ml beer

For the cream:
1 liter milk
1 1/2 packs of pudding powder, vanilla or cream
200 g sugar
1 pack of vanilla sugar

2 tbsp flour , heaped
1 tbsp potato flour, heaped
3 egg(s)
75 g butter
50 g powdered sugar, for dusting


Chop the flour and butter together, pour in the beer and quickly knead everything into a dough. Chill for at least 30 minutes (longer is better). Dough without sugar!

Halve the dough. Grease 2 trays (36cm x 32cm) and roll out the dough evenly, pricking it several times with a cake fork. Bake in a preheated oven at 175° for about 20 minutes. Let cool down.

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