Savory Winter Cake with Mushrooms, Goat Cheese and Hazelnuts

The arrival of winter invites us to revisit our cuisine and explore comforting recipes, capable of warming us with their flavors and textures. The savory winter cake with mushrooms, goat cheese and hazelnuts is one of those culinary creations that combine the authentic taste of seasonal products with a touch of originality.

This dish, ideal for cold winter days, is a perfect marriage between the sweetness of mushrooms, the character of goat cheese, and the crunchiness of hazelnuts.

The button mushrooms, the stars of this recipe, bring a soft texture and a subtle taste that goes perfectly with the richness of the goat cheese. The choice of these mushrooms is not insignificant: their delicate but present flavor harmoniously complements the other components of the dish.

By frying them, they release their aroma while losing their water, which intensifies their taste and ensures a perfect texture in the cake.

Goat cheese, on the other hand, brings an incomparable smoothness and depth of taste. Whether it is the log for its firm texture and pronounced taste, or the fresh goat cheese for its softness and creaminess, each type

of cheese plays a key role in the balance of flavors. Their combination creates harmony in the mouth, making each bite a unique taste experience.

Hazelnuts add a crunchy dimension and a slightly toasted taste that contrasts pleasantly with the tenderness of the cake. Their presence is not only a taste choice but also a textural one, offering a play of sensations in

the mouth that makes this savory cake particularly interesting. In addition, their nutty flavor integrates perfectly into the whole, bringing an autumnal and gourmet touch.

This savory cake is more than just a recipe, it is a celebration of winter flavors, an invitation to gather around a warm, tasty and comforting dish. Whether for a convivial meal with family or as an elegant aperitif with friends, it promises to delight the palate and create memorable moments of sharing.

Ingredients :

300 g of button mushrooms
1 tablespoon olive oil
70 g of hazelnuts
50 g of goat cheese log
1/2 bunch of fresh parsley
3 eggs

100 g fresh goatโ€™s cheese (or cream cheese)
7 cl of milk (vegetable or classic)
1 good pinch of salt
170 g of wheat flour (T45 to T80)
6 g baking powder

Preparation :

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