Savory Cake with Bacon and Gruyère

Autumn is that magical time of year when nature takes on its most beautiful colors and the evenings slowly begin to lengthen.

The cool and sometimes gray days remind us how good it is to be at home, surrounded by those we love. These moments are an opportunity to rediscover simple pleasures, and cooking is undeniably one of them.

It’s time to turn the oven back on, to fill the house with the delicious smells of simmering dishes, pies and cakes that come out all hot and golden.

Among these comforting recipes, the savory cake is a must. It evokes lunches on the go, picnics still possible at the beginning of the season, or light dinners accompanied by a crunchy salad.

And what would you say to a twist on this classic delicacy? A cake that combines the deliciousness of bacon and the strong character of Gruyère, while preserving a certain lightness.

Imagine a perfectly golden crust, hiding a soft crumb underneath, rich in flavors and contrasts. The bacon brings that smoky and salty side, while the Gruyere melts to add a creamy sweetness, all balanced by a light and airy dough.

It is in this spirit, between tradition and modernity, that we invite you to discover the recipe for light bacon cake. A promise of flavors, simple to make, which will not fail to delight your guests at your next meal.

Ingredients (for 8 people):

100 g of bacon
200 g flour
100 g grated Gruyere cheese
20 cl of skimmed milk
3 eggs
1 sachet of yeast
2 tablespoons of mustard
Salt and pepper, to taste

Preparation :

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