Ricotta and spinach lasagne: the recipe for a creamy and tender vegetarian first course

Step 1
Cook the spinach in a pan using only the water left over from the washing: this takes about 10 minutes1. Season with a pinch of salt.
step 2
Once the spinach is cooked, let it cool and add the ricotta and a pinch of nutmeg. Season with salt and pepper2.
step 3
Mix very well with a spoon3.
Step 4
Put the butter in a saucepan, add a pinch of nutmeg and melt over low heat4.
Step 5
Add the flour5and mix quickly with a whisk to avoid lumps.
Step 6
Gradually pour in the hot milk while stirring constantly6.
Step 7
Cook for a few minutes until you get a thick and creamy béchamel sauce, then add salt and turn off the heat.7.
Step 8
Blanch the pastries in salted water for 1 minute, place them in a bowl of cold water and then let them dry on a clean cloth8.
Step 9
Cover a baking dish with the béchamel sauce and spread a few flakes of butter on top9.
Step 10
Make a first layer of egg puff pastry10.
Step 11
Sprinkle with a layer of ricotta and spinach11.
Step 12
Sprinkle with the béchamel sauce and then fill with sliced ​​mozzarella and grated Parmesan12.
Step 13
Continue with the other layers, alternating the puff pastry13with ricotta and spinach cream, béchamel, mozzarella and grated parmesan. Consider 4-5 layers in total.
Step 14
Finally, spread a layer of spinach and ricotta, the béchamel sauce, a few slices of mozzarella and plenty of Parmesan on top14, then bake in a static oven at 180 °C for about 30 minutes.
Step 15
Remove the ricotta spinach lasagne from the oven and let cool for 5-10 minutes before slicing and serving15.
Ricotta and spinach lasagna can be stored in a special airtight container in the refrigerator for 1 day . You can freeze it both raw and after cooking for 1-2 months.



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