Recipe for Genoise for Christmas Log

When the leaves start to fall and the air takes on a biting chill, our thoughts inevitably turn to the end-of-year festivities and the culinary traditions that accompany them. Among these traditions, the Yule log holds a

special place in the hearts and on the tables of gourmands. It is an iconic pastry that evokes both conviviality and the art of French pastry. But before talking about creamy fillings or magical decorations, it is imperative to master the base of any successful Yule log: the sponge cake.

The sponge cake, with its airy texture and delicate taste, is the base on which the edifice of our dessert rests. It must be both light and strong enough to support the filling, while remaining soft after rolling. Its preparation

is a true act of pastry, which requires precision and delicacy. But fear not, because although it is the result of technical know-how, the sponge cake is quite within the reach of amateur pastry chefs armed with patience and a good recipe.

So, to begin preparing our sponge cake, it is essential to start by preparing your workspace and gathering the necessary ingredients. Four eggs, sugar, flour and a pinch of salt are the only companions required in this

adventure. These simple ingredients, found in any self-respecting kitchen, will be transformed, under your skillful hands, into a canvas ready to welcome the aromas and richness of your chosen filling.

Preparing a sponge cake is like a ballet in the kitchen: every movement counts and is part of a precise choreography. The whisk that dances with the yolks and sugar, the sieve that delicately sprinkles the flour, the spatula that hugs and lifts the egg whites… All these elements come together to create a smooth and creamy

dough. It is this harmony, this attention to detail, that is the guarantee of the success of your sponge cake. Ready to take on the challenge? So, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive into the sweet alchemy of baking.

Ingredients :

4 eggs (at room temperature)
120g caster sugar
100g of wheat flour (type 45 or 55)
A pinch of fine salt
Specific material :

An electric whisk or a food processor
A maryse type spatula
A sieve or fine strainer
A clean, damp cloth
An oven preheated to 180°C
A baking paper
A baking sheet

Preparation :

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