Raffaello cake – Quick and delicious recipe, without baking – It is prepared from 3 cups of milk, 3 tablespoons of flour, 3 egg yolks, 250g of butter, biscuits and…


Mix the yolks with half a cup of milk, flour and starch. Bring the remaining milk to a boil, add the vanilla sugar, the egg yolk mixture and mix continuously until you get a thick pudding.
We take the pudding off the heat, cover the surface with food foil and let it cool.
In a bowl, mix the foam butter, then gradually add the pudding, mixing until you get a smooth cream. Finally, we incorporate the coconut and divide the cream into 3 equal parts.
Place a layer of biscuits in a high tray, 24*34 cm. Spread a layer of cream over the biscuits.
We repeat the layers until the ingredients are finished. The last layer will be the cream. Fry some coconut flakes in a dry pan, then sprinkle over the cream.
Refrigerate the cake for at least one night to soften the cookies.



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