Raclette Croque Cake

Preparing the mold: Generously butter a cake mold. This step is important to prevent the croque cake from sticking to the bottom during cooking.

Assembling the croque cake: Start by placing 3 slices of sandwich bread at the bottom of the mold. Then add a layer of ham and cover with 4 slices of raclette cheese. Lightly pepper each layer to enhance the flavor. Repeat this operation twice, making sure to align the layers well for a harmonious assembly.

Last layer: Finish the assembly with a final layer of 3 slices of sandwich bread. Cover with the remaining slices of raclette cheese and pepper.

Preparation of the device: In a bowl, beat the whole eggs with the liquid cream. Salt and pepper to taste. This mixture will bring smoothness and bind all the ingredients during cooking.

Cooking: Preheat your oven to 180°C. Carefully pour the egg and cream mixture over the assembly in the mold. Make sure the liquid is evenly distributed between the layers. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until the top is golden and crispy.

Unmolding and serving: Let cool for a few minutes before unmolding. Serve the croque cake with a green salad for a balanced meal.
Tip: For an even more indulgent version, you can add caramelized onions or mushrooms between the layers.



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