Pistachio tiramisu: the recipe for the delicious and unexpected variation


300 gr
500 gr
150 gr
egg yolk
Pistachio cream
200 gr
Ungesüster Mocha coffee
300 ml
Pistachio kernels
80 gr
Pistachio tiramisu is a delicious and unexpected dessert , a pistachio variant of the classic tiramisu, one of the most popular desserts in Italian pastry. Perfect for lovers of this nut with its unmistakable aroma, ideal as a happy ending to a lunch with family or friends, but also as an original birthday cake.
Creamy and delicate, it is made up of ladyfingers moistened with just a drop of coffee , alternating with layers of sumptuous cream made with egg yolks, whipped with granulated sugar and mixed with mascarpone and, an additional ingredient compared to the original recipe, generous spoonfuls of pistachio cream.
It is finished with a garnish of chopped pistachios instead of the typical bitter cocoa for a crunchy and tasty touch and must be placed in the fridge for at least two hours to allow the flavors to develop and balance.
The result will be an irresistible dessert to enjoy by special guests who will be won over from the first taste. You can keep it in the fridge, tightly closed in an airtight container or wrapped in cling film, for a maximum of 2 days.
If it is not intended for children, you can enhance the filling with a dash of pistachio liqueur; in addition, if you have pistachio paste on hand, you can mix it with a white chocolate ganache to obtain a homemade cream that is more authentic than the industrial one. If you prefer to avoid using raw egg yolks, you can pasteurize them or replace them with 200 grams of whipped cream.
Find out how to make pistachio tiramisu by following the step-by-step instructions and advice. If you liked this recipe, try other delicious pistachio desserts and try Nutella tiramisu , vanilla custard tiramisu and the summer version with berries .
How to prepare pistachio tiramisu

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